Credits: IBA’27 / L2M3 / Max Guther
Press Release

IBA’27 has found its programme: focus on the »productive city region«

Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Chief Executive Officer of the DGNB and Karin Lang, Chief Financial Officer of IBA’27 GmbH (Credits: DGNB)
Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Chief Executive Officer of the DGNB and Karin Lang, Chief Financial Officer of IBA’27 GmbH (Credits: DGNB)
Press release

DGNB and IBA’27 cooperate for more sustainable building

Aerial view of the project area. Credits: City of Fellbach / Niessner Design
New IBA’27-Project

Urban production in Fellbach named as an IBA’27 Project

ressekonferenz Vorstellung der ersten IBA Projekte
Credits: Franziska Kraufmann
Press release

First IBA’27 Projects presented

Backnang West Neighbourhood (Building Stock 2019, Credits: IBA’27/Schiller)
Backnang West Neighbourhood (Building Stock 2019, Credits: IBA’27/Schiller)
Press release

24 international offices design plans for IBA’27 Project ›Quartier Backnang-West‹ (Backnang West Neighbourhood)

Credits: L2M3 / Max Guther
Retrospective & documentation

Experiment in flux: the virtual IBA’27 Plenum #5

Karin Lang
Karin Lang, Chief Financial Officer of IBA’27 GmbH. Credits: private
Press release

Karin Lang appointed as CFO of IBA’27 GmbH

City Region Stuttgart (Credits: IBA’27)
City Region Stuttgart (Credits: IBA’27)
IBA’27 and the coronavirus crisis

Search for the future of the city region continues

Credits: IBA’27 / L2M3 / Max Guther
Contribution by Andreas Hofer

Trees on the ground and urban space for the people!

Bild: IBA’27
Press release

First annual round-up for IBA’27

IBA-Expertenrat zu Besuch bei der IBA’27 (Stuttgart, 25.02.2019; Foto: IBA’27 / Schiller)
IBA-Expertenrat zu Besuch bei der IBA’27 (Stuttgart, 25.02.2019; Foto: IBA’27 / Schiller)

IBA expert panel visits IBA’27

Gruppenfoto der ersten Sitzung des Kuratoriums der Internationalen Bauausstellung 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart (4.2.2019, Stuttgart). Foto: IBA’27 / Franziska Kraufmann
Group photo of the first meeting of the board of trustees of the International Building Exhibition 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart. (Credits: IBA’27 / Franziska Kraufmann)
Press release

IBA’27 board of trustees announced

Logo IBA27