Date announcement

Symposium, workshop and IBA’27 Plenum on the »Legacy of Modernism«

For the planning of the Werkbund settlement, Mies van der Rohe gathered leading colleagues from the European avant-garde in Stuttgart Weissenhof in 1927. Many of the concepts developed there later informed the »Athens Charter«. As a manifesto for functional Modernism, that document had an authoritative influence on architecture and urban planning over subsequent decades.

Nowadays, we are battling with the legacy of this brief, modernist twentieth century. One crisis is leading into another at an ever-faster pace, and ecological and societal challenges are prompting us to fundamentally question our society and our economy. Like one hundred years ago, we are in a period of transition. But what future, what type of planning and design would be considered »modern« nowadays?

Based on the survey of the situation at Stuttgart Weissenhof in an urban planning competition and the public discussion of the findings, Internationale Bauausstellung 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart (IBAʼ27 GmbH and IBAʼ27-Friends e.V.) in collaboration with esteemed partners will host a three-day symposium on how to approach the legacy of Modernism in terms of building and the history of ideas.

The plenum culminates in the international symposium »Index of Modern Architecture«, conceived by the Institute for Principles of Modern Architecture (Design and Theory) at the University of Stuttgart. Architects, artists and scientist present each one notion that they consider important for the discourse around modern architecture in pointed short talks. With Stephan Trüby, Beatriz Colomina, Peter Eisenman, Sonja Hnilica, Sam Jacob, Michaela Melián, Jan de Vylder and many others

Contributors: Bundesstiftung Baukultur, Land Baden-Württemberg, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Institut für Grundlagen moderner Architektur und Entwerfen (IGmA) Universität Stuttgart, Evangelische Kirchenpflege Stuttgart, IBAʼ27-Friends e.V., Freunde der Weissenhof Siedlung e.V., ARCH+

For program information and registration please change to the German site


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